
Cryo Beauty

Our mission at Cryo Haus is to empower people of all ages to look and feel their best

Snow Flake

Create beautiful skin

Increase collagen production and regain elasticity

Snow Flake

Cryo Beauty Treatments focus on collagen production for a healthy glow and tighter skin immediately. Cryo Facials and Neck treatments reduce the signs of aging by tightening the skin, evening-out complexion, and reducing pore size. It is recommended to do multiple treatments for increased collagen in the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in increased skin permeability, further pore size reduction, regained elasticity and a youthful glow.

Customer Review

“I’ve been getting Cryo facials and have noticed a huge difference in the size of my pores. I have one pore in particular that has always bothered me and it is completely closed now.” -L.M.

Ready for Results?

After 5 treatments

After 10 treatments

Get the Glow

Get ready for a special event or night out with a Cryo Facial, immediate results include healthier skin and a radiant glow.